donderdag 20 november 2014

tsū - better than Facebook?

Everybody who spends half his/her life on Facebook knows that it's great and that it totally sucks. The bad thing is, of course, that by displaying your private life in front of the world, you're earning money for Mark Zuckerberg.

That is now about to change. On 24th October 2014 a new network was launched: tsū. It claims that it shares its revenues with the users who build the network. For the rest, it's a lot like Facebook.

One of many places where you can join, is here: Enjoy wrecking Zuckerberg!

UPDATE, 16 January 2018: the revenues of sharing content turned out to be marginal, so users gave up soon and tsu didn't succeed. It went offline in 2016. Pity, it was a nice try.

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